
Jayne is available to talk with you
Monday thru Sunday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST
© 2021 Quadrille Villa. All rights reserved. Website by
Our staff works seven days a week, 8 hours a day. Arrangements can be made for the staff to stagger their hours to accommodate earlier breakfasts or later dinners. Please take a few minutes upon your day of arrival to make arrangements with Shareen or Megan to set up any changes in their schedule. Please be respectful of the staff when requesting longer work days.
Your Quadrille staff will be the true joy of your Jamaican villa experience. They are wonderfully accommodating and will try to do anything you want. Just ask. Shareen & Megan will consistently delight you with wonderful Jamaican meals, including special cakes for birthdays or anniversary events. They also keep the Quadrille sparkling and your clothes clean and ironed. Dwight looks after the pool, gardens, and Villa.
PLEASE NOTE: Babysitting services are NOT provided by the staff. They can assist you in making arrangements within the Silver Sands community.
It is customary to tip your staff at the conclusion of your stay. An appropriate gratuity is 10-15% of the Villa rental. This should be divided among the staff members according to their seniority and service provided. Typically, the largest tip percentage would go to the cook, with the balance split among the other staff members. We suggest that you place tips in individual envelopes for each staff member and give it to them when your transportation arrives to pick you up at the end of your stay.
Below is a list showing suggested tip percentages for each staff member at Quadrille. These numbers are simply suggestions, and you can vary them depending on your experience with each staff member:
Fresh local seafood is brought to your door, and lobster during the season is the “usual” catch of the day. Shareen can whip up a wonderful omelet or prepare a superb Jamaican specialty such as ackee and saltfish. It’s your choice. You can ask the cooks to “surprise” you with her Jamaican cooking skills or work with her to plan out your meals in advance. You can personally arrange the details of your meals with your cook, and she will gladly work around your special needs and desires. Quadrille staff will typically work 8-10-hour days, and you can arrange to stagger some of the staff hours so that you can have dinner served later in the evening if you prefer. We suggest working out a dining schedule and menu for the week with your cook on the day of your arrival.
*Please note costs of food and beverages are not included in the price of the Villa, nor any hours beyond a 10-hour workday.
Quadrille Villa has excellent security. Silver Sands employs its own private security force with a night watchman just outside your property gates. We suggest that you take the same care with security that you would in your own home. Quadrille is equipped with closed-circuit television for additional security, and our cameras “see” in the dark. There are also lock boxes and/or safes available in your rooms as well. Your staff will typically close up the Villa at night before leaving for the evening.
Villa use is ONLY for the registered guests. Guests staying at other Villas are always welcome but are not permitted to stay overnight. Please do not request your staff to provide meals for anyone other than an occasional guest without prior arrangement with the Villa owner. Quadrille is a SMOKE-FREE environment; smoking is permitted outdoors.
“Persons Permitted at the Accommodation”
In making this reservation, you are entitled to accommodation for the members of your party only, and your selected guests are permitted to enter the premises, the staff employed at the accommodation and our staff or representatives (each a “Permitted Person”). You are especially advised not to invite any vendors, door-to-door salespeople, fishermen, carvers, and others into the accommodation. If you invite any person other than a Permitted Person into the accommodation, you do so at your own risk. You will be held responsible (and Quadrille Villa excludes all liability) for any losses or damages which may result directly or indirectly from your failure to comply with this requirement, and your booking may be canceled immediately without any refund. In such an event, you will be required to leave the accommodation immediately, and Quadrille Villa will have no further obligations to you.
We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
This is a Villa Rental Agreement. The rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement are defined by Law. Payment of money or taking possession of the property is evidence of your acceptance of the agreement and your intent to use the property for a vacation rental. It is your responsibility to read and understand this agreement thoroughly before payment or occupying the Villa.
We cannot guarantee against temporary issues regarding air conditioning or other appliances. Please report any non-operative equipment to our staff promptly. We will make every effort to have repairs done quickly and efficiently. If you do not report the problem, we can’t fix it.
No refunds will be given for such outages unless it is a direct result of property-owner neglect. It can take time to remedy this kind of problem, depending on the availability of service people.
Quadrille Villa is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal items, including cash. There are lock boxes and/or safes available in your rooms. Silver Sands has a private security force, and the Villa is equipped with closed-circuit television. For additional security, our cameras see in the dark. The Villa also has an alarm system that you can set for additional safety should you feel the need. Any personal property Quadrille Villa discovers after a guest’s tenancy will be held by Quadrille for 30 days from the date the item was found. If the guest does not claim his or her lost personal property items within the 30-day period, the Villa will donate or dispose of the personal property items. The guest will be responsible for paying any and all shipping and handling charges necessary to return their items of personal property.
DO NOT use this amenity without adult supervision. Please be advised that there is no lifeguard on the premises. Children under 16 MUST be supervised at all times by their parents or guardians. The Villa staff ARE NOT qualified or permitted to perform this service: no diving, no alcohol, no swimming alone, and no running, pushing, or horseplay.
Quadrille consists of two floors and multiple steps and landings both inside and out. We gladly rent to families but must ask that you take extra precautions with younger children. Please remember to supervise them at all times, as neither the Villa, management, nor staff is responsible for unsafe, unsupervised behavior.
Jayne is available to talk with you
Monday thru Sunday
9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST
Phone: (561) 339-9036